
When you have a dream,

But no way it seems,

It ever can come true.

You let it go,

Because you know,

There’s not much you can do.

And some dark night,

When you’re uptight,

It feels so far away,

What you have lost,

And hopes you’ve tossed,

You don’t know what to say.

‘Bout what you feel,

And what is real,

There is so much despair,

You get so down,

The only sound,

Says you no longer care.

But then you pray,

And all you say,

Is Lord, have mercy, please.

And He hears you,

His love comes through,

He comforts and relieves.

And that old dream,

That once had seemed,

Impossible to see,

Is at the door,

And what is more,

Shows it’s about to be.

You wonder why,

And now you cry,

‘Cause in your heart you know,

It’s God’s own love,

The Spirit’s dove,

Brought it in the flow.

Of all that was,

And there because,

God worked in everything.

It did not fail,

His will prevails,

The dream fulfilled, we sing.

“And this hope will not lead to disappointment…” (Romans 5:5, NLT)

Hopes can be very dicey. I recall a line from the movie “Monte Walsh” when Monte met the cow boss and asked how he was doing. He said, “Better since I gave up hope.” Lots of people have, and here’s why. They became too disappointed to keep on hoping. But when God gives us a vision, no matter how impossible it seems, His commitment exceeds our emotion. He continues to work in behalf of the vision He has given even when we have totally given up on it. That is a powerful thing to know, and usually does not become obvious until we actually are close to seeing the dream come true. All the more reason not to give up, and to keep on hoping. He will not disappoint us. Ever. Believe it.

Lord, help us keep on hoping in You, in Jesus’ name.

Brad McClain