
You’re talkin’ on your cell phone,

And suddenly you know,

You have no more connection,

It’s gone, well, there you go.

Sometimes you get all settled,

To watch an online flick,

And then you cannot load it,

It really makes you sick.

Or you’re on your computer,

Or maybe your ipad,

And you try to make a purchase,

And everything goes bad.

You type in all the info,

But the deal it won’t go through,

It’s not on sale forever

You don’t know what to do.

All this is amazing,

We’ve put man on the Moon,

But day to day technology,

Needs help and very soon.

But even more remember,

That though technology,

Can really be a blessing,

It’s not all that you see.

But there is one connection,

Whose signal you can’t lose,

You can’t be separated,

No matter what you choose.

And that’s the love of Jesus,

Given so that we,

Can come into His presence,

And live eternally.

Rust cannot affect it,

The thief can never steal,

The power of His mercy,

Is generous and real.

You wont get disconnected,

There’s no file to upload,

Just claim the grace He offers,

And walk the narrow road.

“Praise God, who did not ignore my prayer or withdraw His unfailing love from me…” (Ps. 66:20, NLT)

We’ve all been disconnected, but praise God for never letting that happen in our relationship to Him. He does not withdraw His unfailing love. That is because His love is not based on our performance, but rather on God’s character. He relates to us out of who He is, not how well we do. And this makes our connection with Him something that even our own sin cannot interrupt. God listens. He who knows us best loves us the most. This love will change our lives if we cooperate with it. Jesus died and was raised to make it so.

Lord, thank You for Your unfailing love. Help us share it with others, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Herman Walker, hermanwalker.com.  Used by permission.  Thanks, Herman, and God bless you.

Art by Herman Walker, hermanwalker.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Herman, and God bless you.

Brad McClain