
The dream showed the immensity,

And also the intensity,

Sin’s bondage, our propensity,

That could not be undone.

The devil’s own detainment,

The darkness of containment,

Preventing all attainment,

No hope for anyone.


And then the Love comes running,

It’s light so strong out-gunning,

The bondage soon succumbing,

To its power and its might.

It overwhelms the trouble,

And soon resolves the struggle,

The portion more than double,

God’s love will win this fight.


With dimensions beyond grandeur,

The filthiest is made pure,

And always it will endure,

This love I dreamed about.

And if you know  you have it,

It breaks your every habit,

It’s very near, so grab it,

A healing force, no doubt.


None can separate us,

Alone regenerates us,

And finally decorates us,

With highest virtue strong.

Love, oh Love, eternal,

The Father’s heart paternal,

His love is universal,

To deliver us from wrong.

“…that you may b able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God.” (Ephesians 3:18-19, NAS)

Paul prays that they will comprehend the grand dimensions of God’s love. He prays that they will know something that surpasses knowledge. This cannot be done through mere intellectual pursuit, but rather by revelation from God Himself. The good news is that God is willing to reveal the love to us, to the extent we can receive it. It solves the unsolvable, forgives the unforgivable, accomplishes the impossible, and heals what is otherwise lethal. It silences the accusation of the enemy and gives voice to the thankful heart. It is the greatest force on earth and in heaven, and nothing can separate us from it. It is the sure sign that we know God and is this life’s highest virtue. We are invited to receive it and commanded to share it.

Lord, help us understand Your love, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Tim Cox, used by permission. Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.

Brad McClain