
The weekend that is closing out,

Lots of memories, no doubt,

The food alone can make me shout,

For Independence Day.

The watermelon, ice cream, too,

The grillin’ of the barbeque,

Fireworks bright for me and you,

And lots of fun and play.


Kids swimmin,’ parents laugh out loud,

At every beach a big old crowd,

The sun is shining, not a cloud,

The music makes us dance.

Time with friends and family,

Video that memory,

We want more like this to be,

Whene’er we get the chance.

And don’t forget the rodeo,

We pray and pledge the flag, you know,

A patriotic place to go,

For every age the same.

And one thing you will always see,

And thank God we are still this free,

The prayer they pray is dear to me,

‘Cause it’s in Jesus’ name.


And all of this ‘cause fighting men,

Rose up for freedom’s cause and then,

Their sacrifice was great back when,

The patriots’ great  gift.

And now we thank them, yes we do,

And thank the Lord above it’s true,

America, red, white and blue,

And freedom’s banner lift.

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they might have life and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10, NAS)

The life of freedom we enjoy as Americans is a gift from patriots who sacrificed their lives to give it to us. As they say, freedom isn’t free. It came at a very high price and people have stepped up to defend whenever it was threatened. We should never take that for granted. Neither should we forget that the abundant life Jesus promised to all of us is made possible by His sacrifice on the cross. The enemy wanted to steal, kill and destroy us, but Jesus gives us freedom. Never forget.

Lord, help us to always value our freedom and what it cost, in Jesus’ name.

Brad McClain