I’m not gonna call it easy,
This life led by the Spirit,
But I will say what I believe,
If you’re inclined to hear it.
The struggle is to die to self,
The Book says what to do,
Choose against that ego,
And let the Spirit through.
Jesus said His yoke was easy,
And His burden light,
I have found that this is true,
And Jesus had it right.
‘Cause if you compare this life for Him,
To living life your way,
No question that the heartbreak,
Will get worse everyday.
If we exclude the Savior,
We’re vulnerable you see,
To everything the devil plans,
And all he wants to be.
He’ll steal and kill and yes, destroy,
Unless we can resist,
It must be done in Jesus’ name,
Or else he won’t desist.
Compared to life in bondage,
To addictions, pain and sin,
The life of a disciple,
Is so much better than we’ve been.
So take the yoke that’s easy,
And the burden that is light,
And you will soon discover,
That all He said was right.
“Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:29-30, NIV)
We often hear people say that the Christian life is not an easy one. The sacrifice required is to deny oneself and take up the cross. Jesus Himself said we should count the cost because it involves full surrender. On the other hand, Jesus offered an easy yoke and a light burden. Compared to what? The yoke and burden of sin and sinful living. The enemy exploits every weakness and sinful choice to steal, kill and destroy our lives. And the only defense is Jesus. Compared to addiction, obsession, and reliving unhealed injury, living for Jesus is an easy yoke and the greatest joy on earth.
Lord, help us accept Your easy yoke and light burden, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Bill Anton, used by permission. Thanks, Bill, and God bless you.