"Far Circle"

From break of day for days on end,

He rises to the task,

The horseback man without complaint,

And for relief won’t ask.


And the reason why you see,

Is that he loves the life,

The music and the symmetry,

Transcending stress and strife.


And not that he loves everything,

That happens on the way,

Hardships from both sky and stock,

Are common any day.


But something ‘bout a horseback man,

That few can understand,

And that’s the kinship that he feels,

With the seasons and the land.


Breathing space and quiet sound,

Wind from soft to strong,

And everything that grows and moves,

Out there’s where he belongs.


Beyond the man-made noise of those,

Intruding loud to sell,

Commerce that the very few,

Escape and live to tell.


And just like us he will enjoy,

A good meal or a show,

Bu the outside circle is his home,

The depth of him will know,


The brotherhood of hide and hoof,

With riders of the past,

Glimpsing them from time to time,

Though their images fly fast.


The canyon and the river,

The mountain, desert, too,

Become his place of worship,

The Spirit gives what’s true.


So thank God for the horseman,

Though the horseman wants no praise,

Just let him ride his circle,

Far horizons all his days.

“Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” (Psalm 46:10, NAS)

To be still is a challenging art. Why? Because life for so many of us has become frenetic, fast and furious. We are so often enslaved to the immediate demand upon our time and attention. Be still. We know we should, and in the stillness acknowledge the Lord’s presence and power. People who make their living outdoors often feel it, but even they can become distracted and idolatrous. Another way to translate “be still” is “cease striving.” That’s what we all need. To take a spiritual time-out and refresh ourselves in a new God-awareness. He is there for all of us. Our hearts need is to exalt Him.

Lord, help us to be still and know that You are God, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Mark Maggiori, used by permission. Thanks, Mark, and God bless you.

Brad McClain