
Amazed when everything goes wrong,

And oftentimes it will,

I shake my head, think what’s the use,

I have no time to kill.


Amazed when effort doesn’t count,

Though hard you work and try,

And then the whole thing falls apart,

Can’t help but wonder why.


Amazed when people don’t give up,

Though tempted hard they don’t,

Keep on keeping on, they say,

No quit in them, they won’t.


Amazed when then against all odds,

They press through for the win,

The best give glory to the Lord,

The way it’s always been.


Amazed when everything goes smooth,

The plan falls into place,

And all you hoped and prayed for,

‘Cause God poured out His grace.


And in it all and through it all,

You learn to give Him thanks,

And over all the circumstance,

His Lordship far outranks.


A life of praise is meant to be,

The one we learn to live,

Rehearsal for eternity,

With heaven’s worship give.

“In everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18, NAS)

Life is not what we wish it to be, but what really happens day to day. And since we live in a fallen world, things don’t always go the way we plan. We are shocked by personal loss and tragedy. Our hearts are broken, and the truck that runs over us backs up and does it again. At least that’s how it feels sometimes. But we have a higher calling that lifts us above life’s circumstances. The Spirit empowers the willing heart to live thankfully. Praise in every circumstance expresses our faith that God is in control, our hope for a better tomorrow, and our love for the Savior who leads us through it. In everything…We can, therefore we should.

Lord, teach us to praise You in everything, in Jesus’ name.

(Photo by Rebecca Cornelius, RC Photography, used by permission. Thanks, Rebecca, and God bless you.

Brad McClain