
There’s a feel for which I’m reaching,

When I start a colt they bring,

I can’t always describe it,

‘Cause it’s like a song you sing.


Together with the pony,

You try for harmony,

Not a bit discordant,

But flowing easily.


And when you get into that flow,

Some magic can occur,

You find a strong connection,

That nothing can deter.


And building on that feeling,

And strength the horse can trust,

As lessons unfold with him,

The flow gets more robust.


Both the ground work and the saddle,

And the riding, walk, trot, lope,

In the round pen and arena,

And outside you always hope,


That the progress that you’re making,

Can ever stronger be,

So when someone outside watches,

It’s clearly that they see,


That the horse can read the horseman,

And the cues that they exchange,

Make every ride some better,

And gentleness in range.


And in the end they partner,

And it’s all about the feel,

Of how the horse and horseman,

Find a bond that’s real.

It’s not unlike the Savior,

Who patiently relieves,

All the fears that plague us,

And from His hand receives,


The feel of divine friendship,

The harmony of love,

The partnership that benefits,

And reflects the Lord above.

“Then we will no longer be immature like children…” (Eph. 4:14, NLT)

Working with a young horse is not unlike teaching a child. Both best learn in an environment of trust, security, sensitivity and discipline. If it’s done right a bond develops that brings maturity and productivity. We are all in a pilgrimage of spiritual growth. Spiritual maturity is measured by our ability to reflect the character of Christ, with love being the highest recognized virtue. Knowing more only translates into maturity when it produces being more like Christ. In other words it doesn’t matter what you know if the character of Jesus isn’t flowing through your life. But this is precisely what the Lord intends for each of us. With his help we can move from immaturity to maturity, from insecurity to security, and from passivity to productivity.

Lord, help us to grow up and become more like You everyday, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Tim Cox, timcox.com.  Used by permission.  Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.

Art by Tim Cox, timcox.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.

Brad McClain