Fly to Jesus

When the trail is long and winding,

And you might have lost your way,

Listen for the Spirit’s leading,

And you will hear Him say,

Turn to Jesus,

He’ll release us,

Turn to Jesus.

When the pain is just too heavy,

And the load too hard to bear,

Listen when the Holy Spirit,

Has these words to share,

Trust in Jesus,

He’ll release us,

Trust in Jesus.

When they do not think you’re worthy,

And withdraw their love from you,

When your heart breaks into pieces,

The Spirit’s comfort will come through.

Heal me, Jesus,

He’ll release us,

Heal me, Jesus.

When your body’s strength is failing,

And you’re coming to the end,

Of your earthly days allotted,

His words still to you He’ll send,

Fly to Jesus,

He’ll release us,

Fly to Jesus.

“But when the Father sends the Advocate as My representative- that is, the Holy Spirit- He will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you.” (John 14:26, NLT)

The Holy Spirit is the part of God that indwells those who believe in Jesus Christ. He represents Jesus- His will, His character, and His leadership in our lives. He actually lives the life of Jesus through us. So when we need to hear something, the Spirit is speaking the words of Jesus to us. And He is always faithful. He will never leave us, and energizes us to do all that the Lord intends. Without Him, we could never please God or have the strength to do God’s will. But His presence and power insure that we are able to overcome every temptation and obstacle in our way. He always directs us to Jesus and what it means to be an authentic follower of Jesus.

Lord, help us follow the leadership of the Spirit in our lives, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Don Dane,  Used by permission.  Thanks, Don, and God bless you.

Art by Don Dane, Used by permission. Thanks, Don, and God bless you.

Brad McClain