"Fight the Darkness"

When the darkness is encroaching,

And the danger is approaching,

We need some Bible coaching,

   On how to take a stand.

Get in the Word and read it,

Lord knows we really need it,

Our courage, it will feed it,

   Build on the rock, not sand.


The devil’s great deception,

To lead the wrong direction,

His lies fight the reception,

   Of the truth that sets us free.

So speak the love and give it,

By His power always live it,

And filled up by the Spirit,

   We’ll make the devil flee.


Put on all  God’s armor,

Resist with holy ardor,

And all God’s gifts we garner,

   To make the darkness run.

Trusting in God’s favor,

He empowers our behavior,

Lifting up the Savior,

   In His name get it done.

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against he spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” (Ephesians 6:12, NAS)

Few of us adequately understand the spiritual battle that is underway. Whereas we should not blame every bad thing that happens on the devil, there is a very real, supernatural conflict that influences human affairs and behavior. Paul tells us that our real enemies are not human at all but are evil, unclean spirits that come to steal, kill and destroy. We are called to love our human enemies while resisting the dark spirits that control them. God will show us how.

Lord, help us resist the darkness, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Andy Mast, used by permission. Thanks, Andy, and God bless you.

Brad McClain