"Ashes in the Wind"

The one thing that he asked for,

That they’d scatter to the wind,

His ashes in that pasture,

Where a-horseback with his kin,


He often chased the bovine,

And then at end of day,

They’d pause to watch the sunset,

And then to quietly pray.


So when the cancer took him,

Before his last good-bye,

He gave them a reminder,

Of what to do and why.


Spend no money on a coffin,

I’d hate to see that waste,

And though some might not like it,

Or think it’s in bad taste,


Take me to the pasture,

And let my ashes fly,

I’d prefer you do it horseback,

Or at least give it a try.


So they saddled his old pony,

Just like he often did,

And trotted to the pasture,

Where he’d ridden since a kid.


And there they led his cayuse,

Horseback lifted high the coffee can,

The ashes started blowing,

According to his plan.


But the horses couldn’t cipher,

What was blowin’ all around,

They started going sideways,

From the ashes’ sight and sound.


Spooked ‘em some and startled,

Till the one just wouldn’t stay,

With the rider or that coffee can,

He pulled back and ran away.


And off across the pasture,

Loped as free as he could be,

And then he started buckin’,

For everyone to see.


He humped up, went to pitchin’,

In a circle, there he went,

As the ashes from the coffee can,

Blew where the wind it sent.


Old pony hadn’t bucked in years,

That anybody knew,

Maybe just a send-off,

‘Cause the cowboy’s rides were through.


And finally came up right around,

The horse he’d been beside,

And all that gathered felt so good,

And I’ll admit I cried.


Somethin’ ‘bout the way he pitched,

Touched my heart you see,

To say good-bye the cowboy way,

It seemed just right to me.


Don’t know when my own good-bye,

Will happen or will be,

But scattered on the rangeland’s wind,

Does appeal to me.


And maybe my old paint will pitch,

When the wind my ashes blow,

I’ve put my faith in Jesus Christ,

So I’m ready, boys, to go.

“But when this perishable will have put on the imperishable, and this mortal will have put on immortality, then will come about the saying that is written, ‘Death is swallowed up in victory.’” (1 Corinthians 15:54)

Christians have a different view of death than all others. Our belief is that physical death is not final. We believe in a miracle, the resurrection of Jesus Christ and our own resurrection. Paul says what dies will live and what is mortal will be immortal. Paul says that death has no victory or sting because it is “swallowed up” by the victory of resurrection. Whether ashes or coffin, the dead in Christ will be raised first. Believe it.

Lord, help us celebrate Your victory over death, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Clark Kelley Price, used by permission.

Brad McClain