
 They say when one is dying,

Life flashes ‘fore their eyes,

And all things they remember,

Just before they die.


But I’m not sure it happens,

‘Cause once they’ve gone across,

All the things they may have seen,

Are then completely lost.


Maybe if we really try,

And ask the Lord to show,

We will see our lives in ways,

We really need to know.


See it how God sees it,

And making no excuse,

Own the things we need to change,

And with God’s help to choose,


A whole new way of living,

With Jesus at the core,

Let everything we say and do,

Show we love Him more.


The habits and the hindrances,

The painful wounds we bear,

The selfishness and ego,

At His cross leave them there.


Give to Him our bodies,

As temples of His pow’r,

And give to Him all that we’ve planned,

So that our years and hours,


Are spent to bring Him glory,

And lived to bring Him praise,

And then no need to panic,

At the ending of our days.

“So be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise. Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days.” (Ephesians 5:15, NLT)

Living wisely means maximizing our God-given opportunities. Regrets concerning what we’ve lost or missed along the way can consume us if we aren’t careful. Own it, grieve it, then move on from it so that the new door God is opening becomes too obvious to miss. And God isn’t playing games with us. He wants to make His will clear, and will lead us if we let Him. He’ll help us avoid the pitfalls and traps, and lay out the path with clarity. He will fill us with His Spirit so that we have the power to do what He asks, and live thankfully in all circumstances. It’s not over. Opportunities abound. God is leading. Go do what God calls you to do.

Lord, give us your wisdom and lead us every step of the way, in Jesus’ name.

Photo by Lisa Craig, used by permission. Thanks, Lisa, and God bless you.

Brad McClain