Hope is like a fantasy,
For those who don’t believe,
But that’s because they do not know,
What faith helps you receive.
Faith, they say, is hope made sure,
So that is where it starts,
A glimmer of a maybe,
That flickers in your heart.
And hope if it’s fed by the truth,
Becomes full-blown belief,
Certainty because we know,
That God will bring relief.
And knowing with assurance,
Will ‘cause action to occur,
Faith shows that it is alive,
And that is clear, for sure.
So everything begins with hope,
Then faith will get things done,
And in the end there are results,
That glorify God’s Son.
Hope, though thin, it should be fed,
At all cost kept alive,
Without it, nothing happens,
Nor can people thrive.
Feed the hope and love the dream,
And give encouragement,
Cheer them on and pray them through,
‘Cause hope is heaven sent.
“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.” (Hebrews 11:1, NIV)
Being sure and certain of what we hope for is faith. And authentic faith always shows it’s the real thing by acting on God’s will. You might then define hope as pre-faith. You believe something is possible, but you’re not completely sure about it. We as Christians often frown on uncertainty. But sometimes people just need time to work on their hopes. What makes hope grow into faith? The only answer is that hope must be fed the truth. The more truth is received and digested, the stronger hope becomes. At length you know what you know even though you haven’t seen it yet. That’s faith, which ultimately moves mountains.
Lord, encourage our hopes, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Bruce Greene, brucegreeneart.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Bruce, and God bless you.