He sat afraid like all the rest,
Waves all ‘round, boat might go down,
Then they saw Him, what a test,
Until some faith they found.
Jesus walking on the waves,
Do not fear, it’s Me, I’m here,
They’re not so sure that Jesus saves,
Until He made it clear.
Simon asked, Lord, can I come,
So bold with waves so cold,
No doubt Jesus gave him some,
No one but Matthew told.
Then in a flash jumped out the boat,
Stepping sure with faith so pure,
But wind and waves flew down his throat,
And he could not endure.
Poor old boy began to sink,
Distracted eyes to his surprise,
As he struggled in the drink,
But Jesus heard his cries.
Grabbing hold He took a grip,
So true like He will do,
And Jesus never lets you slip,
Back to the boat and crew.
Keep your eyes on Jesus strong,
The norm in every storm,
It’s on the waves that you belong,
And His grace will transform.
It’s safer out on waves that blow,
Than the float of any boat,
If Jesus tells you and you know,
As Matthew’s gospel wrote.
“But Jesus immediately said to them: ‘Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.’ ‘Lord, if it’s You,’ Peter replied, ‘tell me to come to You on the water.’ ‘Come,’ He said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.” (Matthew 14:27-29, NIV)
Only Matthew’s gospel tells the story of Simon Peter walking on the water to Jesus. The fact that he actually did it is amazing. I know, I know. He sank when he took his eyes off of Jesus and was frightened by the wind and waves. True. But he walked on water for a few steps at least. He could have kept on going and obviously that is what Jesus expected him to do. Jesus called out his doubt, even though from our standpoint it’s understandable. But focused faith is everything, and wave-walking is our destiny. Go ahead. Get out of the boat.
Lord, help us to walk by faith, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Brent Flory, used by permission. Thanks, Brent, and God bless you.