"Flip the Script"
The script that is inside us,
Controls our words and deeds,
It’s been there for a long time,
Ignores our strongest needs.
And that’s because it got there,
By what somebody said,
To us when we were children,
Be with us till we’re dead.
It tells us in the Good Book,
The tongue gives life or death,
Sometimes that script inside us,
Does not bring out our best.
But keeps us long in bondage,
To lies that were so wrong,
But we heard and believed them,
A habit for so long.
So what’s the mental picture,
You have of yourself,
Is it success and happy,
Or sitting on some shelf.
‘Cause you think you’re a failure,
Or somehow not enough,
Thinking what you can’t do,
Those lies are really tough.
You heard that you were stupid,
That you never would amount,
To very much of anything,
Or make your own life count.
So tell me what’s the answer,
For the trash stuck in my head,
Any way to flip the script,
And be set free instead.
And, yes, there is an answer,
And Jesus is the name,
He’ll renew our thinking,
So we won’t be the same.
Breaks the harmful soul ties,
That sabotage your life,
Cuts away the cancers,
The Spirit’s sharpest knife.
Says you have been forgiven,
You have awesome worth,
Your life can be abundant,
Each day you live on earth.
You will go to heaven,
When you come to die,
Till then you’ll be successful,
That is the truth, no lie.
Your hurts, no matter painful,
Can finally be healed,
And all addiction ended,
Replaced by God, who’s real.
The script it is a new one,
But ancient and inspired,
By God’s Holy Spirit,
Gets all that old life fired.
The Word of God is living,
Will help you flip the script,
Life is what you’re thinking,
God’s truth the lies will sift.
The script is in the Scripture,
The truth will set us free,
The vision God is giving,
Creates a brand-new me.
“The Word of God is alive and powerful…” (Heb. 4:12, NLT)
Everyone, even secular thinkers, recognize the power of mental habits. The fact that the Bible says we are transformed by the renewing of our minds is almost universally accepted, whether we agree on what “renewal” is or not. That said, sometimes the negative scripts we’ve absorbed into our thinking have a great hindering affect on our lives. Many people have difficulty counter-acting what they believe about themselves and their capacity to live a happy and productive life. It’s because they were told wrong things about what they could do, and had no way to defend themselves. That’s where God’s Word comes in. It is the ultimate script for living, and will cast out the lies that have held us in bondage. That’s why Jesus said the truth would set us free. Free from what? Lies. Free to do what? Everything God ordains for us. No matter how tenured or deeply held, our beliefs can change. When they do, life gets better. Let’s get on with it.
Lord, use Your powerful Word to change and heal our minds and lives, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Bruce Greene, brucegreeneart.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Bruch and God bless you.