"Lord of Beauty"

God ordains and uses beauty,

You’ll find it’s always there,

Why else all the colors,

We see them everywhere.


All that He created,

All the patterns and the hues,

Point to His great presence,

And serve as divine clues.


The waterfall at sunset,

The waves upon the shores,

Mountains with their majesty,

All serve as heaven’s doors.


The pretty horses running,

Manes flying in the sun,

Breath-taking eagles soaring,

Sky’s glory when day’s done.


The romance of a bride and groom,

Of lovers hand in hand,

Beautiful because of love,

Joy to beat the band.


The beauty in the laughter,

The children with their smiles,

The wrinkles of the grandpas,

Who’re walking their last miles.


Pointing, ever guiding,

To Jesus Christ the way,

The great eternal marriage,

With the bride of Christ one day.


And He will make her beautiful,

Heal her with His love,

Fit her for eternity,

With the Lord above.


In fact we have the promise,

That all things in His hands,

He will fill with beauty,

And we all know He can.


For He’s the Lord of beauty,

And heals so we will be,

Those who can reflect it,

So Him they clearly see.

“For we are God’s masterpiece…” (Ephesians 2:10, NLT)

God’s masterpiece? That’s saying a lot, don’t you think? Given all that He has created, and the beauty that inundates it all, pointing to human beings as His masterpiece is a bold statements indeed. Particularly in view of the ugliness and cruelty we so often see in human behavior. Yet, there is grace. And the grace that saves us is also given to transform us. So, the One who created the universe with its infinite beauty creates us anew in Christ Jesus, and equips us to co-create with Him. And all to glorify the beauty of who He is, the Lord of beauty.

Lord, help us cooperate with Your transforming, beautifying grace in our lives, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Jack Sorenson, jacksorensonfineart.com.  Used by permission.  Thanks, Jack, and God bless you.

Art by Jack Sorenson, jacksorensonfineart.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Jack, and God bless you.

Brad McClain