

If you look around in Texas,

About this time of year,

You’ll find some awesome beauty,

On the roadsides very near.


Covered in bluebonnets,

They bloom here in the spring,

People stop for pictures,

They just beat everything.


And here and there mixed with ‘em,

Yet not as thick and lush,

You’ll see some gold and scarlet,

The Indian paint brush.


And with the weeds outside our catchpen,

We saw in morning light,

The yellow rose of Texas,

A-blooming in plain sight.


All this natural beauty,

Put here by the Lord,

Reminds me to remember,

What’s written in God’s word.


The Lord said not to worry,

That we could surely trust,

Said look there at the flowers,

And if we’re scared we must,


Remember if He cares for them,

And they will soon be gone,

How much does He care for us,

Whose lives to Him belong.


Look at those bluebonnets,

Or the flowers at your door,

Cast your care on Jesus,

And don’t worry any more.

“And if God cares so wonderfully for the wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, He will certainly take care of you. Why do you have so little faith?” (Matthew 6:30, NLT)

God will care for us, not only because we are part of His creation but because we are at the top of His love list. Jesus admonished His followers to stop worrying and start trusting God. He asked them why their faith was so small? It’s a good question, don’t you think? We who believe in God and have trusted Jesus to save us eternally should be the ones who never worry about anything. Yet, we do. The point that Jesus is making is that we do not have to live that way. If we trust God in stronger, deeper, more consistent ways we will worry less. What is worrying you? Give it to Jesus. You’re more important than anything else He has created.

Lord, teach us to overcome worry and put our trust in You, in Jesus’ name.

Bluebonnets photographed near Fort Worth, Texas.

Brad McClain