I really can’t forgive ‘em,
‘Cause of what they did to me,
And I don’t really want to,
I’m so angry, don’t you see.
So when you tell me, preacher,
That’s what I ought to do,
You just don’t know what happened
And why I disagree with you.
I’m listenin’ to you, brother,
And I truly understand,
I’ve had some bad things happen,
And injuries unplanned.
When people lied about me,
Or lied right to my face,
Said I could count on one thing,
But did another- a disgrace.
And I have been so bitter,
And held so tight a grudge,
You couldn’t pry my hands off,
So mad I wouldn’t budge.
But grace came close to heal me,
Relieved that heavy pain,
Forgave and then flowed through me,
And made it very plain,
That pardon freely given,
Is what we’re called to give,
And that is just our calling,
And how we are to live.
Freedom only happens,
When we simply let it go,
Trusting that the Good Lord,
Can get it done and so,
By His stripes the healing,
That drives the devil out,
Is also shared so freely,
Shows what grace is all about.
So drop the burden, brother,
Sister, cancel every debt,
And you will know the blessing,
The you really need to get.
“…bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you.” (Colossians 3:13, NAS)
Forgiving someone is never about what they did to you, as painful as that might have been. It’s not about whether they apologize to you, or admit they are wrong. It’s only about what God has done for us, in regard to our sin. Did He forgive us? Yes, because Jesus died to make it so. Have we received forgiveness? Yes, if we have confessed our sin and asked for forgiveness. When God forgives us does he ever bring it back up again? No, He removes our sins as far as the east is from the west and remembers our iniquities no more. Since all this is true, and we have personally experienced God’s grace through Jesus Christ, He calls us to forgive others as freely as He has forgiven us. He empowers us with healing grace to get it done, so it’s within reach. Our spiritual future depends on it.
Lord, help us forgive as freely as You have forgiven us, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Tim Cox, used by permission. Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.