"Full Circle"
A long and weary journey,
Wide circles far and wide,
From the Alabama grasslands,
To the Brazos River side.
I’ve galloped through the grasslands,
And Owyhee desert dry,
Seen a lot of country,
Low and brushy, steep and high.
I’ve chased the wily bovine,
I’ve roped ‘em when they’re sick,
I’ve doctored and I’ve gathered,
Been with ‘em thin and thick.
Known punchers who were tougher,
Than the leather of a boot,
And if there ever was a need,
The best of them could shoot.
I’ve wandered and I’ve pondered,
About what makes life go,
I’ve wondered and I’ve thundered,
‘Bout things I’ll never know.
I found my way to Texas,
I found my home with her,
And when I think about it,
My feelings all concur,
That the Good Lord of my circle,
Led the way when I could not,
Gave me this contentment,
And, man, I’ve got a lot.
Some ask me was it worth it,
I always say you bet,
But when it comes down to it,
I haven’t finished yet.
‘Cause see there are some people,
That my history can teach,
And probably some cowboys,
That my story ought to reach.
Yes, I have come full circle,
From the plains of long ago,
There’s been challenge, lots of laughter,
And grace for all, I know.
“What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31, NIV)
It’s a wonderful thing to realize that God is for us and not against us. I had the impression that God mostly said no. No to what? Pretty much anything that I thought would bring me joy or pleasure. No doubt we can seek joy in the wrong things, but the fundamental truth is that God really does want us to enjoy, not just endure life. Jesus died to give us abundant life as well as life eternal. Even when we go astray God is for us. And His undeserved favor, otherwise known as grace, is what ultimately leads us home and to personal contentment. When you know this in your knower, you are well on the road to abundant life.
Lord, help us realize that You are really for us, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Teal Blake, used by permission. Thanks, Teal, and God bless you.