"Full Out"
What happens when we get it,
When God’s love dawns in a heart,
When the Spirit sets a soul on fire,
And we full-out do our part,
When we wake up with thankfulness,
With a yes down deep inside,
Die to all our selfishness,
And humble down our pride,
When we make no plan without Him,
When we seek the Kingdom first,
When we’re after all His righteousness,
For which we always thirst.
What happens when the Spirit fills,
Our words and thoughts and deeds,
And we rely on grace alone,
To provide for all our needs.
When we work like it depends on us,
And pray like it’s all Him,
When we jump out on the water,
And by faith walk or swim.
When we say to every mountain,
Move in Jesus’ name,
And stand upon His promises,
As God’s kids make our claim.
When we connect in love with others,
Team up to spread the word,
And never rest till everyone,
Has all the Good News heard.
When we expect the Lord’s return,
And live like it’s today,
How do you think the church would be,
Or what the Lord would say.
If full-out was the way we were,
I think the Lord would be,
Pleased with our commitment,
And we would really see,
The blessing of revival,
The move for which we pray,
If we turn from our wicked ways,
It might could start today.
“But I have this against you, that you have left your first love.” (Revelation 2:6, NAS)
Was there ever a time you loved Jesus more than you do today? The joy of being saved, the relief of sins forgiven, and the desire to share the Good News are typically components of our early experience with the Lord. For some it’s been so long ago you might not clearly remember it. The church at Ephesus had a great track record of serving the Lord. But they had left their first love. Maybe we have, too. We need to be full out in our love for the Savior and live accordingly. Such commitment is radical but necessary.
Lord, help us return to our first love, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Bill Owen, used by permission (cowhorsegallery.com) Thanks, and God bless.