"God Bless America"
People goin’ ‘bout their lives,
But many have no clue,
About the freedoms they enjoy,
And what some had to do,
To give us what we have today,
Our lifestyle and our rights,
Just take it all for granted,
And that is what indicts.
But all the shoulds and ought-to’s,
Don’t make folks change their minds,
And though it’s disconcerting,
One very often finds,
It takes something more drastic,
A tragedy or threat,
To wake folks up and show them,
What it takes to keep and get,
This world’s greatest nation,
In its long history,
Where all created equal,
Have a certain guarantee,
That you are free to speak and pray,
And pursue happiness,
To vote and to own property,
With freedom of the press.
You can’t just be arrested,
You’ll have your day in court,
A land of laws that make it so,
That no one can distort.
And, yes, you can defend yourself,
The right to own a gun,
And God help those who disagree,
They’ll never take a one.
And on and on the story goes,
While this world’s terrorists,
Hate the freedoms we enjoy,
That they have always missed.
But heroes fierce have proven,
That they stand in between,
The tyrants and their danger,
To defend from threats unseen.
And every drop of patriots’ blood,
Spilled on every yesterday,
Pays the price and seals the cost,
Of freedoms known today.
So, after all the fireworks shot,
And fun and festive play,
Maybe take a moment,
And bow your head and pray.
To thank God for America,
And ask the Lord to bless,
It’s still one nation under God,
And different from the rest.
“What joy for the nation whose God is the Lord…” (Psalm 33:12, NLT)
Every Christian in America faces the dilemma posed by the fact that America and its freedoms are based upon the belief that God created us equal and that governments rule by consent of the governed. This is true without question. We believe this same God sent His Son to die for us, and was raised to give us salvation. We also know that freedom of religion is a fundamental right, including the right not to believe at all. Americans who don’t believe in God have the same freedoms that we do. Often these folks promote policies that we find to be unbiblical and even immoral. What do we do then? We vote our consciences and pray for God’s help. But we do not let our mission to win the world to Jesus get hijacked by political activism. We speak the truth in love and ask the Lord to send spiritual renewal to our land. Thank God for America. Pray for God to have mercy on America.
Lord, we ask that You bless our nation, in Jesus’ name.