"God Meant It for Good"
I thought it was unfair of them,
To do the things they did,
It’s taken me a long, long time,
My hurt feelings to get rid.
‘Cause see I was blind-sided,
They didn’t do me right,
And it’s just the kind of thing, you see,
That makes you want to fight.
But finally I realized,
That though they meant me harm,
God was still the one in charge,
My anger He’d disarm.
He works in every single thing,
For our good and His best,
And He can heal our deepest hurts,
And fill our hearts with rest.
Forgive like we’re forgiven,
That’s what we’re called to do,
And trust the Lord to help us,
With all our feelings, too.
So remember just like Joseph,
The evil that they meant,
God can turn around for good,
His blessings always sent.
“Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others…” (Colossians 3:13, NLT)
Forgiveness is much easier to receive than it is to pass along. But the two should never be disconnected. If we have received God’s forgiveness, it is imperative that we learn to freely give it to others. But why don’t we? The main reason is that our feelings are hurt and angry because someone has injured us. Our natural impulse is to strike back at them in revenge. But God says no, I expect you to give forgiveness as freely as you have received it. This can only happen if the Lord is working in and with us. But the miracle of forgiving someone happens all the time because God is in the miracle-working business.
Lord, help us to pass along the forgiveness that we have received from You, in Jesus’ name.