"Good Ones"

I never knew a cowboy,

Without a horseback tale,

They talk about the good ones,

And  you’ll hear it, without fail,


They’ll describe the connection,

About the bond they share,

Whether workin’ cattle,

Or rimmin’ ‘round out there.


It’s not as if he is a pet,

In fact more like a friend,

And if they had to put him down,

They grieve about the end.


I’ve seen ‘em get emotional,

And some will shed a tear,

Get choked up when they describe,

The good one gone from here.


And I’ve heard ‘em many times,

Say in your lifetime through,

If you havd had the priviledge,

Or riding one or two,


Then you were blessed with good ones,

And you will not forget,

No matter ‘bout more horses,

Or the number that you get.


They say that life’s not measured,

By all the breaths you take,

But those that take your breath away,

And those you cannot fake.


Good horses, yes, I’ve had ‘em,

And I’ll say one thing more,

The horses at the Lord’s return,

From heaven’s golden shore,


Just might be the good ones,

That you always hear about,

They’re coming with the Savior,

Of that I have no doubt.


And by faith in Jesus,

The grace comes strong to save,

Because that’s what we needed,

And that’s just what He gave.


When the roll is called up yonder,

And all souls are gathered in,

God’s tally book is opened,

And eternity begins,


Just let me ride that good one,

That was such a friend to me,

Forever with the Savior,

On heaven’s range so free.

“But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven…” (Matthew 6:20, NAS)

Storing up treasures in heaven begins by knowing that you are going to heaven. This comes when we put our faith in the grace offered through Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8). When cannot earn our spot there, it must be given to us and then received by faith. So that’s how the treasure starts. But as a born again, saved individual we can then be granted heavenly treasure through our faithfulness and obedience. If we do what the Lord calls us to do, the Lord has promised to reward us. All the more reason that stay heavenly-minded and heavenly-focused. I’m looking forward to the horses.

Lord, help us to lay up heavenly treasures, in Jesus’ name.

Personal photo.

Brad McClain