
If they say they love you,

Take it with a grain of salt,

‘Cause they might make you sorry,

Though it’s really not your fault.


Because unless they know you,

Really know you, like I say,

When they say I love you,

You can’t trust it past today.


Even if they mean it,

And you know they really might,

But most everything about you,

Is plumb hid from their sight,


They’re bound to get to know you,

When you’re not at your best,

And then all their affection,

Is then put to the test.


Will they really love you,

When they see who you are,

Or will they find they really don’t,

And think you are bizarre.


But if somebody tells you,

That you are very dear,

And they say I love you,

To me it’s very clear,


That if they really know you,

And have known you for some time,

More nearly can you trust it,

And things will work out fine.


And that’s the way God’s love is,

Because He knows us best,

We cannot surprise Him,

No matter what’s the test.


By knowing you completely,

With all your faults and fails,

He still says He loves you,

And that’s what grace entails.


Unearned divine favor,

Based on who He is,

Love without condition,

‘Cause we’re forever His.

“In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” (1 John 4:10, NAS)

God loved us first. His love for us is based upon His goodness and grace, and not our performance. Knowing us best He loves us the most. Grace brings great relief. Someone has said grace dawns in our hearts when we accept that we’re accepted. We can reject God’s love but can never change it. We can run from it, grieve it, refuse it or receive it. But it’s the same regardless. We benefit from it when we cooperate by saying yes to the One who says yes to us.

Lord, help us receive Your love and share it with others, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Steve Boaldin, used by permission. Thanks, Steve, and God bless you.

Brad McClain