The mighty engines loudly roar,
The great wheels leave the ground,
Lifting high into the air,
And now I’m Texas-bound.
Three hours and the flight is done,
The drive to Horseshoe Bend,
Back home with the one I love,
My chores once more attend.
But I think of pioneers,
Who way back in the day,
Left the Carolinas,
Traveled westward, come what may.
It took ‘em months before they crossed,
That old Red River cold,
And made their way to Texas,
They were nothing if not bold.
Threatened and in danger,
Dealt with trouble all the way,
And the really worst I had,
Was a little flight delay.
No need for provisions,
Just some candy and a coke,
No need to feed a horse or mule,
Or protect a wagon spoke.
We’d do well to remember,
The courage of our kin,
Who overcame such hardship,
And traveled far back then.
And whene’er we’re tempted,
To murmur and complain,
Remember all the hardship,
When those before us came.
“Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because the testing of your faith develops perseverance.” (James 1:2-3, NIV)
All of us face trials. Those who went before us did, too. There’s always someone who has it better and always someone who has it worse. When, not if, we face trials, James tells us our faith is being tested for a reason. That purpose is to develop godly character in the form of perseverance, which leads to spiritual maturity. In other words people who have gone through hardship and learned to trust God and keep on going are the ones we can trust. They are dependable and will stick with you. They keep on keeping on. Find those people and you’ve found a treasure. Be one and you’ll be a blessing.
Lord, help us learn to persevere, in Jesus’ name.
Photo by Kirstie Lambert, used by permission. Thanks, Kirstie, and God bless you.