"He Comes"
There, yonder in the distance,
I see a rising cloud,
And I feel no resistance,
To the hoofbeats coming loud.
For I recognize the riders,
All those who’ve gone before,
And they are coming with Him,
From heaven’s distant shore.
Bringing joy and justice,
To right all that is wrong,
And every thing we once missed,
Will now to us belong.
It’s not that we deserve it,
The Lamb and Lion brings,
His grace for me reserves it,
And galloping He sings.
I come at last to see her,
My blushing, spotless Bride,
I’m coming to retrieve her,
On this my promised ride.
The marriage feast is ready,
All things have been prepared,
Because you’re sure and steady,
And with the least you shared.
And now we ride together,
To our eternal rest,
My pony is untethered,
I know for me the best.
Good-bye to every heartbreak,
To pain, we bid adieu,
Adios to every headache,
‘Cause all has been made new.
The joy of sins forgiven,
The marriage of the Lamb,
The fellowship of heaven,
With the great I AM.
“Then I saw heaven opened, and a white horse was standing there. Its rider was named Faithful and True…” (Rev. 19:11, NLT)
Jesus promised He would return publicly and horseback, and the armies of heaven would ride with Him. Paul tells us He will bring with Him those who have died in the Lord, and their bodies will be the first to be raised. Believers who are alive when He returns will be miraculously transformed and will return with the Lord in triumph. When? No one knows, but many believe it could happen in our lifetime because of prophetic signs that have been fulfilled. Jesus said that the end would come when the Good News of the Kingdom is preached to every people group in the world. I am told that we are very close to that occurring. In any case, the truth of Jesus’ coming is supposed to be a great encouragement to all those who know Him. It is meant to comfort and strengthen us, and not to be a threat. Are you looking forward to it? I hope so.
Lord, make us ready to see You, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Brent Flory, brentflory.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Brent, and God bless you.