The woman whom they caught in sin,
The thief there on the cross,
The prodigal who ran away,
The one sheep that was lost.
The man who couldn’t see from birth,
The crippled man abed,
The woman who just touched His robe,
The man for three days dead
Parents broken-hearted,
A little girl who died,
A little boy who did the same,
No matter what they tried.
And then they called on Jesus,
Who brought kids back to life,
Death itself could not resist,
Cut death’s bands like a knife.
The little boy with bread and fish,
We do not know his name,
The old man to be born again,
And never be the same.
The guard whose ear that Jesus healed,
The boy demon-possessed,
The man who lived among the tombs,
A legion so distressed.
The demons left when Jesus spoke,
They recognized His will,
And all the ones tormented by,
He’ll bring deliverance still.
The one who broke the perfume box,
And poured it on His head,
Who weeping thanked Him from her heart,
With words we know she said.
The waves grew calm at His command,
The wind died down in peace,
The nets were filled, the crowd was fed,
The troubled found release.
The sky grew dark, the earthquake shook,
The temple veil was torn,
When Jesus breathed His final breath,
Laid in the grave forlorn.
But Sunday morning angels came,
The Christ rose up again,
Showed them both His hands and feet,
The scars of where He’d been.
This One can change your life, you see,
There’s no one He can’t save,
Unless you tell Him you don’t want,
The grace God freely gave.
But I say come and let Him heal,
The pain you carry now,
Forgive your sin, live a new life,
And He will show you how.
And then when Jesus comes again,
You’ll be right there you know,
With all the blood-bought sons of God,
And home to Him you’ll go.
“…how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how He went about doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with Him.’ (Acts 10:38, NIV)
The gospel accounts of the earthly ministry of Jesus are full of miracles. These miracles show us the heart of God toward suffering and pain. Jesus brought relief where ever He went. When the apostles later told the Gospel story, they talked about what Jesus did, and then explained His ultimate miracle, the resurrection from the dead. It is important for us to realize that our entire faith is based on a miracle-working God. Everyone knows we don’t always get the miracle we are hoping for, but this in no way diminishes the truth that it is in the character of God to miraculously bring change. We serve a God of miracles.
Lord, give us the miracle we need today, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Clark Kelley Price, clarkkelleyprice.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Clark, and God bless you.