
Long ago and far away,

The heroes of my yesterday,

Cowboys and the cowboy way,

Galloped through my mind,

I thought I’d be that kind.


But so the years and life flew by,

And now no matter how I try,

Their memories fade and so do I,

The tie with them still binds,

But now God’s peace I find.


Before the cowboys ever rode,

Eternal seeds the heroes sowed,

Their righteousness, to all it showed,

My faith goes back to them,

Vision clear, not dim.


They conquered kingdoms, put to flight,

Whole armies that they had to fight,

And all because God’s cause is right,

I live my life for Him,

From life’s past where I’ve been.


God will use the hero strong,

To help us in our way along,

Serving hard to right the wrong,

With Jesus in the lead,

He meets our every need.


And when the race is finally done,

All battles fought and finally won,

The Lord will welcome every son,

The harvest from the seed,

Of every hero’s deed.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, and especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.” (Hebrews 12:1, NLT)

The crowd of witnesses have finished their race and gone on to be with the Lord. Isn’t it interesting that what they accomplished by faith continues to witness, to us and everyone else. They are our heroes, and their example encourages and inspires us. All too often we think of these people as super-saints who did not face the same weaknesses and problems we have. But the opposite is true. They had feet of clay up to their ears, just like us. The difference is that somehow, by God’s grace, their faith helped them overcome. And that, in the end, is what makes their example important. They did it, and so can we. Run with endurance, and stay focused.

Lord, bring out the hero in all of us, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Mark Maggiori, markmaggiori.com.  Used by permission.  Thanks, Mark, and God bless you.

Art by Mark Maggiori, markmaggiori.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Mark, and God bless you.

Brad McClain