
My hero owns the cattle,

Grazing cross a thousand hills,

He also is a shepherd,

With his sheep the country fills.


He once rode an untrained donkey,

Through crowded streets and loud,

Mixed and mingled with the hired hands,

Never arrogant or proud.


Values doing what you say,

His word and promise keep,

The perfect one to count on,

When you go through waters deep.


But if you cheat the people,

He knows how a whip to braid,

And drive you right on out the door,

With the leather whip he’s made.


My hero is a farmer, too,

He plants and grows the seed,

Prunes and reaps the harvest,

Of everything we need.


He’ll doctor those who’re hurting,

He’ll pasture those who’re lost,

He’ll water all the thirsty,

And never mind the cost.


He brands all who belong to him,

Puts his name in fire there,

If you know he owns you,

That brand you’re glad to wear.


And when he makes his final gather,

He’ll ride his big, white horse,

And not one child he’ll leave behind,

‘Cause he loves them so, of course.


We all need a hero,

Someone the world can’t tame,

Mine is someone you should know,

And Jesus is his name.

“We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith…” (Hebrews 12:2, NLT)

Keeping our eyes on Jesus means our lives revolve around Him. When we cooperate with the Spirit’s work in our lives, Jesus becomes our theme, our first priority, and our greatest treasure. Everything and everyone else is measured by Him, and their value determined in light of who He is, what He has done, what He is doing now, and what He will do in the future. He defines our history, our identity, our present opportunity and our destiny. He is the Lord of our relationships and claims our first love. Our earthly and eternal existence have only one purpose and that is to glorify Him. Stay focused.

Lord, help us to keep our eyes on You, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Clark Kelley Price, used by permission. Thanks, Clark, and God bless you.

Brad McClain