"He's Coming"
Out there in the future,
There’s a moment we don’t know,
But all who hear the promise,
Have a choice to make, although,
They may not admit it,
May think it’s all nonsense,
Some have no opinion,
And some stay on the fence.
The moment is the coming,
Of Jesus Christ the Lord,
And the promise I am citing,
Is right there in His Word.
But once you hear about it,
To consider that it’s true,
May be quite important,
To determine what you do.
‘Cause if He’s really coming,
At some later date,
Impact living life today,
And your eternal fate.
This is not meant to scare you,
Or transmit any fear,
‘Cause Jesus coming back again,
Is most exciting, dear.
‘Cause every wrong is righted,
And every tear is dried,
Every hurt will then be healed,
And satan’s rule denied.
The welcome of the angels,
And all who’ve gone before,
Reunion with our loved ones,
And heaven’s open door.
And best of all there’s Jesus,
On that great big, white horse,
With full and free authority,
And God’s glory train, of course.
And all this ‘cause His coming,
It is our blessed hope,
Meant to be encouragement,
And strength to help us cope.
So, friend, just please consider,
If the promise is still true,
He’s coming back for those He loves,
And He wants to come for you.
“The Lord Himself will come down from heaven with a commanding shout…” (1 Thessalonians 4:16, NLT)
Jesus is coming back, according to the scriptures. When He does, it will be as the Judge of humankind and its history. Time will end as we know it, and eternity will begin. Those who love the Lord will have a special place in what happens then, and those who don’t will be judged accordingly. God is never unfair and never misjudges anyone. We are to encourage each other with this truth, and be found faithful when He comes.
Lord, help us encourage one another with the truth of Your coming, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Tim Cox, timcox.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.