"He's Coming"
When is Jesus coming back,
We can’t know day or hour,
But perhaps the season,
When the Spirit gives His power.
To read the signs and seasons,
And be ready when He comes,
And not to make excuses,
Or cave when the world succumbs,
To the lies of that ol’ devil,
The deception that he brings,
Confusing light for darkness,
Along with this world’s kings,
Whose hearts are after money,
And all that It can buy,
But is so temporary,
Will be gone when we die.
And what about the cowboys,
Who aren’t students of the Book,
Will they all be ready,
Or maybe take a look,
At the words of our Lord Jesus,
Who said He’d come again,
When everyone had heard the news,
He said that way back when.
And now they say the people groups,
Have finally got the Word,
The Good News of the Kingdom,
By now they all have heard.
They heard from missionaries,
They heard when word was brought,
They heard it on the internet,
It’s how God’s word was taught.
So even now, Lord Jesus,
We’re here, so come on back,
And by Your grace we’re ready,
So keep our hearts on track.
“And the gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come…” (Matthew 24:14, NIV)
Jesus said no one would be able to know the day or hour of His return. But signs were given so that those with spiritual discernment would be able to at least recognize the season of His coming. One of the most significant signs was the proclamation of the gospel message to every people group. We are very close to this happening, as the scriptures have ben translated into nearly every tongue and dialect, the internet makes it possible to go where there has never been a witness, and the Jesus film has been shown to an unprecedented number of people who have never heard. All this to say, this sign is being fulfilled exponentially as we speak. Let us be ready.
Lord, make us ready for Your return, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Steve Boaldin, used by permission.