"Horse of a Different Color"


Horse of a different color,

When that is what you hear,

It means there’s something changing,

So just to make things clear,


Someone says let’s do this,

And they present a plan,

But then there is a question,

To help all understand,


And when the question’s answered,

Adjustments then are made,

Horse of a different color,

When that attention’s paid.


Blessed are the flexible,

Won’t be bent out of shape,

With a horse of a different color,

New action then we take.


Pray it through and talk it through,

And get good counsel, too,

And be led of the Spirit,

In everything you do.


Horse of a different color,

Means change is in the air,

So keep an open heart and mind,

And show the Lord we care.

“And the Lord- who is the Spirit- makes us more and more like Him as we are changed into His glorious image…” (2 Corinthians 3:18, NLT)

The goal of the Spirit is to transform our lives. The changes He makes in us help us to become more and more like Jesus. This will also make us less self-centered. But change is not always comfortable. We must be proactively cooperative with the Spirit when He calls us to change. Blessed are the flexible, for sure.

Lord, help us cooperate with every change You want to make in our lives, in Jesus’ name.

Photo by Jess Lee, jessleephotos.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Jess, and God bless you.

Brad McClain