"Horseback Boys"
What happened to those horseback boys,
Who loping through made lots of noise,
Filled with big adventure’s joys,
What happened, do you know?
Some did not survive the trail,
Though they tried, to no avail,
Down to weather’s bad derail,
Or some other woe.
Some went through, then went again,
Didn’t know to just say when,
Rode until the boys were men,
They loved the life so much.
Others worked at other things,
For whate’er their labor brings,
But ne’er forgot their cowboy wings,
Relived to stay in touch.
And so, my friend, we live and die,
And some remember all our try,
But finally we say good-bye,
The time, it will not stop. a
But God loves all, He says it’s true,
Sent Jesus for both me and you,
And cowboys who believe and do,
Will harvest heaven’s crop.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” (John 3:16, NIV)
No matter our earthy pursuits life comes to an end. Sometimes there is an accident or illness that takes one’s life prematurely. Others live longer than they or anyone else expects. But in every case what happens then is determined by our faith. God sent His Son to become our Savior. He invites us to experience His love by believing in Him and surrendering our lives to Him. He can make us certain that we have received eternal life. Make sure.
Lord, help us to be certain that we have received the gift of eternal life, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Tim Cox, used by permission. Thanks, Tim, and God bless you.