"I Watched"
I watched ‘em take the freedoms,
That others died to give,
And insist that they knew better,
‘Bout how we ought to live.
I watched ‘em raise the taxes,
So much it’s hard to say,
Uphill for working people,
To get by day by day.
I watched ‘em kneel at ball games,
And protest for their rights,
Disrespect Old Glory,
And those who died in fights,
With terrorists and tyrants,
And their last measure gave,
Sacrificed their own lives,
For all our freedoms save.
I watched ‘em let the bad guys,
Go free after they’re caught,
And let us know that justice,
Can still be sold and bought.
And on and on I’ve watched ‘em,
Ridicule those who,
Still love God and country,
I’ll tell you what I’ll do.
I have finally decided,
To step up and to pray,
That we will have revival,
I’ll do it everyday.
I will love my neighbor,
And show my enemy,
That God has given grace to all,
And more than we can see.
I will vote my conscience,
I’'ll take a godly stand,
On issues that concern me,
But still offer my hand,
To al those who will take it,
I’ll love, though disagree,
With those whose own agenda,
Is not what it should be.
O God, we ask Your mercy,
Show us what to do,
So that this great country,
Will yet return to You.
“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves…” (2 Chronicles 7:14, NLT)
The ancient promise to Solomon is that healing would come to the land if God’s people would humble themselves, and pray and seek His face and turn from their wicked ways. God promised He would hear, forgive and heal the land. Some believe that this is not a contemporary promise, but only to the children of Israel under the Old Covenant. I disagree. I believe that if followers of Jesus humble themselves and do what God requires, grace would be triggered both for them and their nation. Our humility could become a catalyst for national revival, renewal and healing. Times of great awakening have happened in the past, both in America and in others parts of the world. Strong visitations of God’s Spirit seem always to be preceded by sincere believers calling upon God and repenting of their own sin and selfishness. There is great need, but also great opportunity. And it can start now with us.
Lord, help us to become catalysts for spiritual renewal and revival across our land, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Bruce Greene, brucegreeneart.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Bruce, and God bless you.