"I Will Follow"

I’ve penned up my old pony,

I’ve oiled up my old kack,

And when I step into the strirrup,

I never will look back.


The trail of my past history,

Is a windy one at best,

At least I survived it,

Some better than the rest.


I know the Good Lord spared me,

All along that old dark way,

And I have learned my lesson,

All hell can’t make me stay.


For you see I have decided,

To take the narrow trail,

The Good Lord put me on it,

And He will never fail.


And I will follow Jesus,

Where He leads me I will go,

No matter what it costs me,

How fast or hard or slow.


It’s to keep my vision focused,

On the One whose brand I wear,

And finally when it’s over,

His grace will get me there.


I know your expectation,

Of an outlaw such as me,

Is that I may not make it,

With my sinful past, you see.


But though I cannot change it,

A new tomorrow starts,

I’ve made a new beginning,

With Jesus in my heart.


So pray for me, amigo,

I’ll now say adios,

And when you do your prayin’,

Remember me the most.


I’ve penned up my old pony,

I’ve oiled up my old kack,

When I step into that stirrup,

I’m never looking back.

“And He was saying to them all, ‘If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow Me.” (Luke 9:23, NAS)

Following Jesus is not just intellectually agreeing that Jesus is God’s Son who died on the cross and was raised again. That level of belief is included, but real faith surrenders all to Jesus. Taking up the cross daily means that we die daily to ourselves and dethrone our egotism. Being an authentic believer means that we sacrifice selfish control and ask Jesus to lead every decision and department of our lives. It’s when we lose our lives for Him that we find out what life is all about.

Lord, teach us to follow You, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Clark Kelley Price, used by permission. Thanks, Clark, and God bless you.

Brad McClain