I’m now approaching Jordan,
Soon my riding days are through,
And since it’s almost over,
Just a few more things to do.
Want to say my last I love you’s,
To the ones God gave to me,
Make sure nobody’s left out,
They are so dear, you see.
Check my heart for unforgiveness,
To cancel every debt,
Give grace just as freely,
As it’s given me, you bet.
Tell the ones who still need Jesus,
To be saved while there’s still time,
Remind them they can know Him,
And there’s grace for every crime.
Give my saddle to my brother,
Turn my horses free to run,
Land and money for my sweetheart,
Now that all is said and done.
And, no, I’m not through living,
But God knows when it will end,
And as I contemplate it,
It’s how I feel, my friend.
Celebrate the joy each moment,
Till the last one comes along,
Go out with hallelujahs,
And a good old gospel song.
“Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.” (Psalm 116:15, NIV)
The death of a person who loves the Lord is precious in His sight. He welcomes them into His presence and the homecoming must be a wonderful moment! If we could see death from heaven’s viewpoint our sorrow would be dramatically alleviate, though the absence of a loved one can be hard to bear. Unspeakable joy and total relief from every burden marks the inheritance of the redeemed. We are called to celebrate heaven on the way to heaven so that someone will want to go to heaven with us.
Lord, help us celebrate heaven today, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Shawn Cameron, used by permission. Thanks, Shawn, and God bless you.