
Might not remember what you said,

But one thing’s for sure,

Until the day that they are dead,

One feeling will endure.


And that’s the way you made them feel,

The kindness that you showed,

They can tell if it is real,

We reap just what we sowed.


They don’t care all that we know,

The verses that we quote,

It’s all about the care we show,

That’s what floats the boat.


So just as Jesus showered you,

Shower one and all,

With His grace so strong and true,

No doubt it is His call.

“He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins. He has showered his kindness on us, along with all wisdom and understanding.." (Ephesians 1::7-8, NLT)

God’s kindness is overwhelming. Through Jesus He generously gives us freedom, forgiveness, wisdom and understanding. And all this, not because we’ve earned His favor in any way but because He chooses to grace us. His kindness requires that we shower others the same way He has lavished it on us. Beware of being stingy with your kindness and giving it to those we feel deserve it.

Lord, teach us to be kind, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Mark Maggiori, used by permission. Thanks, Mark, and God bless you.

Brad McClain