"Get It Gone"
Long ago when just a kid,
Dad said get those cattle gone,
Always steers to gather,
Send ‘em all where they belong.
And there was no wasted motion,
He stressed no wasted time,
Stock was loaded on those trailers,
And hauled away just fine.
At its peak twelve big trucks runnin’,
Every hour of the day,
And all across the heartland,
Made a livin’ thataway.
Now Dad has long since left us,
And his enterprise went, too,
But we’ve got lots of memories,
Of what we used to do.
A man should not be idle,
If he wants to earn his wage,
There was profit in the movement,
Learned at a very early age.
And things that we should get gone,
That slow us down, you see,
Impede our soul’s best progress,
And steal our destiny,
Learn to drop the baggage,
The weight of unhealed hurt,
What we have not forgiven,
Cost far more than its worth.
Just load it up and get it gone,
Let it go on angels’ wings,
And let the Lord replace it,
With clearly better things.
It pays to be proactive,
To make a righteous choice,
Then trust in God to help you,
And raise a thankful voice.
Whatever is the challenge,
Whatever is the need,
Just get it gone with Jesus,
You know you can be freed.
“…casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7, NAS)
My Dad’s old cattle business prospered because of the action he constantly generated to keep things moving. In our spiritual walk with the Lord, we do best when we are proactive, no passive. The Lord will help us, no doubt, but it’s hard even for Him to steer a parked truck. Casting our anxiety on the Lord means we’re letting go of what slows us. We are learning to cooperate with His grace so that we can accomplish His will for us. What He calls us to do is within the reach of everyone who gives God something to bless.
Lord, help us cast every care on You, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Don Dane, used by permission. Thanks, Don, and God bless you.