"Kingdom Cowboy"
Focus on the Kingdom,
Don’t let your thoughts go stray,
Make it your priority,
Seek it first today,
But, Lord, what does it really mean,
To live my life this way,
I’m not that religious,
I’ve heard the cowboys say.
So give to Me your swagger,
How you picture you,
Lord of you identity,
That’s being Kingdom true.
Give me all your horses,
And every day you ride,
Hold them with an open hand,
And in My grace abide.
All your friends and family,
Give me full control,
All of your relationships,
Put in My hands to hold.
Let Me lead the work you do,
Lord of how you spend your day,
And when you’re recreating,
Be the Lord of how you play.
Surrender every purchase,
And the money that you make,
It might be in your blue jeans,
But it is Mine to take.
Lose your life to save it,
Commit to do My will,
Present to Me your body,
And let My Spirit fill.
For the Kingdom when it’s living,
Inside and all through you,
Is righteousness and peace and joy,
By the Spirit true.
Be a Kingdom cowboy
Don’t life wasted be,
Live the answer where you are,
The Kingdom first, you see.
“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.” (Matthew 6:33, NLT)
Jesus gave great advice concerning life’s priority. He talked about storing up treasures in heaven which, unlike earthly treasure, could not deteriorate or be stolen. The idea was that if your priority is eternal, so is your security. That’s why Jesus says we can’t serve two masters, God and money, because the realities are mutually exclusive. He wasn’t fussing, only stating the truth. It’s in that same conversation He talks about fear and worry, and uses the birds and the lilies of the field as examples of the Father’s care without stress. He says if God cares for them so beautifully, will God not care for us? So neither should we be worried about our needs, because the Father knows what we need better than we do. If we will simply seek the Kingdom of God above all else, He will provide. We don’t earn God’s blessings based on our performance. But we position ourselves to receive God’s best when we fully cooperate with Him. That means surrendering everything to His control, and seeking His will to govern every aspect of our lives. If we entrust ourselves to His leadership without reservation, He will provide for us and there is nothing to fear.
Lord, help us to seek Your Kingdom above all else, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Teal Blake, tealblake.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Teal, and God bless you.