There’s a moment when you know it,
Then you cannot unknow,
His Spirit gives the witness,
Something He will clearly show.
It’s the full assurance,
Of feeling that you’re saved,
Forgiveness and redemption,
Be born again so brave.
People often doubt it,
They are not really sure,
They hope somehow they’ll earn it,
And so outlast, endure.
The debits and the credits,
They try to do their best,
But if you really ask them,
They’re unsure like the rest.
So honestly how do you,
Get from fear to peace,
Know that God has done it,
From uncertainty release.
There has to be surrender,
Of everything we know,
For as long as we control things,
Assurance cannot flow.
But if we’ll just surrender,
And let Him take control,
The feeling that we’re okay,
Will slowly fill the soul.
There is not other short-cut,
I find no other way,
But full cooperation,
With what He has to say.
And, not, we do not earn it,
But receive the grace it’s true,
He gives and oh so freely,
It’s there for me and you.
“…His Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God’s children…” (Rom. 8:16, NLT)
God wants to make us fully confident about our salvation. It doesn’t ever need to be a hope so, think so or maybe so proposition. It’s something that we can be fully convinced and convicted of. We know know it beyond doubt, and be totally convinced. How? The only real way it happens is if we totally surrender control to the Lord. In a sense we trade control for assurance. as long as we are in control we can never be sure because it always depends upon something we are doing or ought to be. But if we surrender control, He says He will give us the certainly that belongs to every child of God. Get some.
Lord, we surrender our lives to You, Make us sure we belong to You, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Mark Maggiori, markmaggiori.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Mark, and God bless you.