
I tell you, pard, we try real hard,

To put up with this stuff,

Entitled feel, and that’s their deal,

It grates on me real rough.


Taught to work and never shirk,

Some never seemed to learn,

Just give them more, without their chore,

Then they don’t give a dern,


‘Bout freedoms dear, and living here,

Where all will have a chance,

To earn their way and their payday,

And join our nation’s dance.


I pray that I, and here’s no lie,

Can patiently endure,

Love one and all, ‘cause that’s God’s call,

But this much is for sure,


For me and mine, by God’s grace fine,

We’ll work and save and give,

And everyday we’ll thankful say,

We’ll labor while we live.

“Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your own hands, just as we told you, so your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.” (1 Thessalonians 4:11-12, NIV)

We live in an entitlement culture in which people feel they have a right to be given what they “deserve.” They feel this way because they have been taught something that is simply not true. We are graced with salvation but that does not mean we deserve it. It simply means we have turned to God to receive it. When it comes to our day to day living, we are clearly taught by scripture a “work ethic” that God will use to win the respect of unbelievers. We must do our work, respond by the Spirit to those who feel entitled, and give what we can to help those who are genuinely needy. Lord, give us discernment!

Lord, we ask You to bless our work, in Jesus’ nam.

Art by Robert Shoofly Shufelt, used by permission. Thanks, Robert, and God bless you.

Brad McClain