"Lady Liberty"

That day I was horseback,

Just like days before,

But something was different,

My soul feeling sore.


Looked over my shoulder,

And what did I see,

At a full gallop,

Came Lady Liberty.


Her horse was all lathered,

He’d had a hard run,

When she overtook me,

Looked like he was done.


Her robes were all tattered,

Her face drawn and tight,

Her sword was all bloody,

She was quite a sight.


Said, I’ve had a battle,

I’m weary and worn,

From defending freedom,

Our nation’s been torn,


By those who don’t answer,

To the Creator who gave,

The freedoms we cherish,

And men died to save.


I held the bridle,

Of the horse that she rode,

Prayed as I sat there,

My shock clearly showed.


Why did you stop me?

I asked quietly,

She stared in my eyes,

She saw right through me.


Where have you been,

When I rang the bell,

Were you too busy,

When your freedoms fell?


I wept when I heard it,

Didn’t know what to say,

I said, I’m so sorry,

What can I do today?


Wake up from your slumber,

And ask God above,

To move by His Spirit,

On the land that you love.


Be a bold witness,

For the Savior who’s true,

And don’t be afraid,

Of those who hate you.


Pay more attention,

To all those who lead,

And become the answer,

For all those in need.


Vote for the reasons,

That we all hold dear,

And work for the right things,

She made it real clear.


I made a promise,

As she rode away,

That I’d do my best,

With what she said that day.


For freedom is sacred,

Cannot be ignored,

And if we aren’t careful,

It will slip from our shores.


Wake up and do something,

We better not wait,

Take our stand for freedom,

Before it’s too late.

“Won’t You revive us again, so Your people can rejoice in You?” (Psalm 85:6, NLT)

Few would question our nation’s need for widespread spiritual renewal. But how would such an awakening begin? It would begin if and when people who love the Lord turn to Him with all their hearts. It would begin when we ask the Lord to change us, not them. It would begin when we, as followers of Jesus Christ, rearrange our priorities, giving more time and passion to intercessory prayer and doing good things to bring relief to people who need it. Praying and doing go together, and the combination of the two become a catalyst for powerful spiritual impact. American hangs in the balance, not ultimately based on what politicians or political parties do, but what God’s people do. It is at once our greatest responsibility and opportunity.

Lord, please revive us and our nation, in Jesus’ name.

Personal pic, SLE parade, Montgomery, AL.

Brad McClain