
I’ve heard people say that they’ve never been lost,

Their sense of direction’s so good,

But I will admit that my compass I’ve tossed,

And got turned around if I could.


Why is it, you guys, that your wife is so wise,

When it comes to the way you should go,

I know it offends when directions she sends,

But she’s always right, don’t you know.


Your claim to fame, may not be the same,

As those who seem always on track,

But maybe it’s true, that eventually you,

Seem always to find your way back.


The point I will make, and maybe you’ll take,

The route may turn scenic and long,

But it’s where the road ends, not where it begins,

That determines if you’re right or wrong.


Just get there, you see, by God’s grace to be,

With those who will finish the race,

And hear the Lord say, on that final day,

Well done, as you look on His face.

“Jesus told him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through Me…” (John 14:6, NLT)

Jesus not only came to show and teach the way to God. He claimed to be the way. What does this mean? It means He offers Himself as the way. His death on the cross bridged the gap to God. His resurrection gives us access to the Father that had been lost. A personal relationship to God is is made possible when we receive the Spirit from Jesus. All this means that everything, for time and eternity, centers on knowing Jesus. When we know Him, we have the eternal compass to heaven and the heavenly Father. We also have the wisdom to live according to God’s will. He is the way, and with Him we are never lost.

Lord, help us to realize that You are the way, the truth, and the life, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Steve Boaldin, used by permission. Thanks, Steve, and God bless you.

Brad McClain