I am not an expert,
On anything, you see,
But I have endured trouble,
And it’s led me to be,
Someone who has a story,
And something I can tell,
All ‘cause of my survival,
And going through some hell.
And it was in the valleys,
And also in the fire,
That I learned some lessons,
About what I desire.
Wanting what you can’t have,
And having what you want,
Doing what you shouldn’t,
When God said, “No, you don’t.”
Learning it the hard way,
Because I’ve done things wrong,
Being inconsistent,
Staying down too long.
All taught me to trust Him,
Believe just what He speaks,
Filled only with the Spirit,
Because of frequent leaks.
And learning not to panic,
Or be too damned depressed,
To keep on, keep on going,
And daily truth digest.
Spread a lot of mercy,
And don’t begrudge those who,
Really don’t deserve it,
For God loves all them, too.
Keep free of the grudges,
The bitterness and mad,
Thankful in the struggle,
Praise for what you’ve had.
And in the end don’t worry,
Just calm your doubts and fears,
‘Cause Jesus has you covered,
And He is always here.
No, I’m not an expert,
But life has had its turns,
I’m just an example,
That in everything you learn.
“…when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy…” (James 1:2, NLT)
Trouble doesn’t equal joy in my life. Trouble equals trouble and all the feelings that go with it. So, how does it equal joy? Only if someone can see through it, past it, and while it’s happening, not find joy only in retrospect. Is that even possible? Yes, according to James. But am I good at it yet? Nope. Every time trouble happens I want it to be over ASAP. Joy? Well…But, truth is, God is never more present with us than when we are going through challenges, and that’s really where it all happens, right? Absolutely. Everyone has joy when it’s going smoothly. But when we are going through trouble and the joy of the Lord becomes our strength, we’re talking about something supernatural. You can’t manufacture or fake it. It’s either there, or it’s not. But it can be for all of us, right now, without exception. That’s because God promises to use everything, and I mean everything, for His glory and our good. So be it, amen.
Lord, teach us to let our trouble bring us joy, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Steve Boaldin, artofacowboy.com. Used by permission. Thanks, Steve, and God bless you.