"Let 'Er Buck"

A whole new year has happened here,

And everywhere the same,

Time has flown and hopes have grown,

We’ll have less loss, more gain.


Disasters came, and evil’s claim,

Is strong upon this earth,

But blessings, too, we know it’s true,

Can’t measure what they’re worth.


I’m thankful for, the open door,

Before us God has shown,

We’ll go right through, by grace we’ll do,

‘Cause God has made it known,


That He will lead if we take heed,

He’ll throw wide the gate,

He is the way and still we say,

We can hardly wait,


To tighten cinch and never flinch,

Our part we’ll never duck,

Pull down that hat, our fears go scat,

And let the new year buck!

“I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you and open door that no one can shut…” (Revelation 3:8 NIV)

The Lord knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows where we need to be and what we need to be doing. When He opens a door no one can shut it. When He closes a door no one can open it. That’s a very good thing to remember going into the new year. We want the Lord to lead every step we take and help us to maximize every opportunity. We find the greatest grace when we are in step with the Spirit’s leadership, and that’s where His provision for us occurs. May this new year be filled with open doors to serve the Lord, and every dead end and distraction will be slammed shut., in Jesus’ name.

Lord, help us to see the open door and go through it, in Jesus’ name.

Photo by Steve Wrubel. Used by permission. Thank, Steve, and God bless you.

Brad McClain