"Long-strided Mule"
I know it don’t concern you,
All my trouble but I’ll learn you,
Then I won’t have to dern you,
When you laugh at me that way.
I know I’m trackin’ gimpy,
And maybe somewhat wimpy,
But not my fault it’s simply,
I got old and just today.
The Booty brothers called me,
Said some on ride with us, see,
You know the fun it will be,
So I said I would.
I caught my little paint mare,
Saddled up with no care,
And really glad to be there,
No doubt I thought I could.
My mule-skinnin’ brothers,
From those cajun mothers,
I wouldn’t help no others,
And their long-stridin’ mules.
But see they plumb out-walked me,
Outridin’ on my mare, see,
Walk trottin’ nearly ruined me,
I broke the doctor’s rules.
Fifteen miles don’t seem much,
But I might need a strong crutch,
To help my hip to unclutch,
They say they will replace.
On Halloween of all times,
That’s why I’m making these rhymes,
I’m payin’ for my past crimes,
When I see that surgeon’s face.
But when I get that new hip,
I’m going on a new trip,
And pray that new one don’t slip,
To cowboy up again.
Whoop and spur like old days,
That old long trot it won’t faze,
I’ll thank that doctor always,
When I am horseback then.
“And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” James 1:4 (NAS)
Endurance is highly appraised in scripture. Why? It facilitates a spiritual completeness that lacks nothing. That’s what we all want, but not everyone is willing to press through the obstacles to get there. When we endure trials our faith grows and with it, our capacity for trusting God. Faith is like a muscle that grows stronger when exercised. The idea is that we will become strong enough to overcome anything and everything. And that’s exactly what God wants for us.
Lord, teach us to endure, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Bill Anton, used by permission. Thanks, Bill, and God bless you.