"Long Walk"
The long walk and the best talk,
Comes with one you really know,
Won’t judge or excuse you,
And then the trust will grow.
Through hard times and steep climbs,
And times you’d like to quit,
But they walk right beside you,
And encourage you, that’s it.
Truth in love from up above,
God’s counsel from the Book,
They hold your feet right to the fire,
And help you take a look,
At reasons why to really try,
To keep yourself on course,
Help to hold you through the storm,
And point you to the source,
Of wisdom true and strength for you,
To claim the promise sure,
Where two or three are gathered,
His presence will endure.
Agree in prayer, the Lord is there,
Walking with you both,
His highest and His best to share,
And give the Spirit’s growth.
So from now on, don’t go alone,
Isolation’s not the way,
Not lone rangers but a posse,
Is what we need today.
And God knows who is good for you,
And with them you can walk,
To commune as friend to friend,
And have that needed talk.
“Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor.” (Ecclesiastes 4:9, NAS)
Such a simple but profound truth! We are called and saved as individuals, and there is no substitute for a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. That said, we are not called to walk in isolation. The basic cell of the body of Christ is two or three who will walk, pray, fellowship and serve together. We find protection, support, and accountability in this context. No lone rangers! God is raising up a posse!
Lord, connect us to one another, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Bill Anton, used by permission. Thanks, Bill, and God bless you.