Lookin’ through my pony’s ears,
Is still the greatest view,
Of God’s created masterpiece,
His presence shining through.
Lookin’ back I see His hand,
Upon me on the trail,
Times when darkness crowded in,
But never could prevail.
Lookin’ forward faith can see,
What human vision can’t,
Knowing that the Spirit leads,
His blessing He will grant.
Lookin’ inward I give praise,
From deep within my heart,
Faith’s author and perfecter,
He’ll always do His part.
Lookin’ up beside the throne,
Where Jesus reigns as King,
I gladly confess Him as my Lord,
In charge of everything.
Lookin’ to the end of years,
When time shall be no more,
A horseback into heaven’s gates,
On that eternal shore.
“…while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.” (2 Corinthians 4;18, NAS)
The life of faith requires us to see past the physical reality to the greater spiritual reality. What we cannot see with the physical eye is more real and powerful than anything we can. It’s important to remember that, especially when we are going through difficulty. Staying focused on the eternal helps us cope with and overcome the temporal. “Faithing” our way through life is challenging but tremendously rewarding. Faith up and keep on, in Jesus’ name.
Lord, help us stay focused on the eternal, in Jesus’ name.
Art by Robert “Shoofly” Shufelt, used by permission. Thanks, Robert, and God bless you.