

Why can’t the Christmas season,

Just slow down its pace,

Remember still the reason,

And how Christ left His place,


In heaven’s holy glory,

To this world cold and small,

Redemption’s grand old story,

To come and save us all.


I’ve heard the preachers fussin’,

I’ve felt the guilt some spread,

Because commercial’s tusslin’,

Gets way inside our head.


We know we ought to fight it,

Along with all our fear,

That we can’t ever right it,

By Christmas time this year.


What if we just decided,

To buy less of everything,

And in our hearts resided,

New love for Christ the King.


We gave our time to praise Him,

Give forgiveness to each other,

Showed some love to all our kin,

And every dad and mother,


Taught it to their children,

That this is what it’s for,

A new foundation buildin’,

To love the Savior more.


Not rush till we’re exhausted,

And then collapse to sleep,

Instead our hearts defrosted,

Make sure our promise keep,


To give God’s Kingdom first place,

In everything we do,

And seek above all His face,

And to Him be true.

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.” (Matthew 6:33, NLT)

Life can take on a frenetic pace, especially during any holiday season. Two things exhaust me the most. First, when there is too much to do and not enough time to do it. I hate feeling rushed, and the older I get the less I tolerate it. Sometimes it can’t be helped. I get that. But, more times than not, better planning makes for greater peace and productivity. Second, I get tired of Christian leaders fussing with Christians about the “reason for the season.” I know it’s well-intentioned, but it gets old. We cannot guilt or shame people into having a spiritual priority. Seeking God’s Kingdom above all else, in any season, is the work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts.

Lord, help us to seek Your Kingdom above all else this season, in Jesus’ name.

Photo by Kirstie Lambert, used by permission. Thanks, Kirstie, and God bless you.

Brad McClain