

The pastures of home,

Wandered horseback alone,

The cow paths were always well-worn.

I wondered back then,

If the ways they would send,

Were the best or just habit born.


The pathway we find,

When we’re in a bind,

Not always the best way to go.

But God with His grace,

Will pick up His pace,

To turn us back so we will know,


That He is our lead,

He knows what we need,

Gives mercy when we lose our way.

He searches to find,

When the dark fills our mind.

To restore us and make us okay.


I found if I went,

Just where I was sent,

By the Spirit who spoke truth to me,

Though the path was uphill,

If it was God’s will,

The way would bring peace, don’t you see.


Wise words spoken strong,

Have helped me along,

Always follow the peace.

‘Cause grace makes it so,

And lets our hearts know,

From burdens we will find release.


So walk in the light,

By grace get it right,

And there will be fewer dead ends.

The Lord makes it clear,

He always is near,

And the Shepherd has called us His friends.

“The way of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, which shines ever brighter until the full light of day…” (Proverbs 4:18, NLT)

Choosing the right path is not always an easy choice. Our constant prayer is that we will be bound to God’s highest and best, and loosed from every deception, distraction and delay. The scriptures speak of walking in God’s light and depending on His direction. The verse from Proverbs tells us the path gets brighter as we go. How encouraging to know that the more we follow, the more obvious it becomes to know the way. Ultimately the Spirit of Jesus guides our steps. He helps us apply the principles of God’s word to our day to day. If we really want to find God’s will, we will. He will help us.

Lord, help us find the right path, in Jesus’ name.

Art by Bill Anton, used by permission. Thanks, Bill, and God bless you.

Brad McClain